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Funding history

2012-2014 1000 Young Talented program

2013-2017 Group coordinator for Functional genomics of mitocondria in the project entitled with disfunction of mitocondria in heart failure supported by National Basic Research Program (973), 2013CB531200

2014-2016 Excellent Young Scientists Fund by National Natural Science Fund of China (NNSFC)

2014-2016 Training Program of MicroEvolution Fund by NNSFC

2014- The Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (XDB13010400), Evolution of complex trait driven by gene gain and loss

2015-2019 Involved in Construction of dynamic network of lncRNA as well as the interacting proteins in the project entitled with function and mechanism of lncRNA in spermatogenesis supported by 973, 2015CB943000

2018-2020 Involved in Celullar evolution in tumorigenesis, an integrative fund by NNSFC

2019-2021 Involved in Construction of high-quality penguin reference genome and inference of genetic basis of its adaptive evolution, 2018YFC1406900